Elementary School | Kindergarten-5th Grade — Horizon Prep

kindergarten - Fifth Grade

Grammar School



Horizon Prep’s Kindergarten is the capstone experience of our four-year Early Education Program. During this foundational year, students learn and absorb information through songs, chants, and various hands-on activities as well as other developmentally appropriate techniques meant to make learning fun while intentionally preparing them for the Grammar stage of the classical model.

Fully credentialed teachers inspire and encourage Kindergartners to become life-long learners. They lay the foundation for math concepts and reading development, and also deliver a curriculum rich in science and history. Exciting special area classes - Art, Spanish, Music, Library, and P.E. - compliment the core program and provide students with a well-rounded educational experience.

First - Fifth Grade

In the Grammar stage – the developmental building block of all learning – elementary aged students are eager to learn and absorb information.  We focus on delivering curriculum in ways that are memorable, fun, engaging and encouraging, laying the foundation for advanced study.  Students in the grammar stage of development have an amazing ability to memorize, so we use daily memorization periods, using chant, song, motion, and rhyme, to encourage and engage students in a fun and joyful environment while filling them with information.

Core instruction in math, science, language arts, history, and Bible complimented with Spanish, Latin, technology, music, art, P.E. and library

A detailed curriculum guide is available from the Admissions office.