Where We Started

Horizon Prep first opened its doors in 2000 as Horizon Christian Preschool, a ministry of Horizon Church, in beautiful Rancho Santa Fe, California. With a heart to provide an academically excellent and biblically based education to the community, Horizon Church, under the leadership of Pastor Bob Botsford, prayerfully and boldly continued to expand Horizon Prep. The Lord proved faithful as He both paved the way, and provided vision and resources, to bring Horizon Prep to where it is today. By 2003, the Horizon campus grew to include an additional 20-acres of land, and with that additional space came additional classrooms, more grades, athletic facilities, and a greater educational impact. Today, Horizon Prep serves students with a Christ-centered classical education, at every age, Preschool – 12th Grade.
Horizon Prep is known as a loving, nurturing environment with high academic standards. With standardized test scores in the top 97th percentile nationwide, Horizon Prep students not only receive instruction in core subjects, but in Latin, Spanish, Bible, Art, Music, Library, Technology and Physical Education as well. Horizon Prep has also been honored as ‘Best Preschool’ in North County San Diego by the readers of Ranch and Coast Magazine for over 10 years.
Horizon Prep has grown steadily over the past 20 years – both in the physical campus, grades available, and ways that students are served. The following milestones are only a handful of the many moments that have formed Horizon Prep’s history and growth.
2000: Horizon Preschool was started
2003: Horizon Prep grew to include Grammar School Grades
2004: Logic School Grades were added
2011: Grand Opening of the Lion’s Den Gymnasium
2013: Launch of the Rhetoric School
2017: Horizon Prep’s First Graduating Class!
2017: Horizon Prep granted CIF Accredidation
2018: Horizon Prep Rhetoric School’s inaugural Israel Trip
2019: Ribbon Cutting of the HP Tennis Courts
2023: Groundbreaking of New School Entrance, Office Building and Grammar school Classrooms
At Horizon we believe that the best is yet to come! We are committed to prayerfully and faithfully pouring into students at every age. Whether shaping little hearts for Jesus in the Early Education program, or preparing students mind, heart, body and soul through the Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric schools. As we continue to encourage a new generation of world changers for Christ through the current classes and programs, we are also creatively and steadily continuing to grow at Horizon Prep.
Dear Parents and Friends of Horizon Prep,
In Mark 12:30 Jesus provides what is Biblically described as The Greatest Commandment. Citing Deuteronomy 6:5 Jesus declares we are to: “…love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and all your strength.” In Deuteronomy 6:7 Moses commands the people to “repeat” this teaching “again and again" to their “children”. Clearly we are directed to instruct our children in the context of knowing this as The Greatest Commandment.
Here at Horizon Prep we are committed to providing our children with an educational environment that declares the reality of this decree. Our commitment is to strive to provide our students with an education that is intellectually stimulating, academically sound, socially maturing, physically strengthening, and spiritually invigorating. We do this in a context that declares we are all called to love the Lord our God with our whole being. Horizon is dedicated to ensuring that your children will receive a Christ-centered education second to none.
Academic excellence and intellectual growth are of utmost importance to your child’s teacher and the staff of the school. However, simply providing an academically sound education is akin to getting to first base in a game. Getting to first base is important, but it’s not the game. We believe it is as your sons and daughters come to know and become knowledgeable about the world around them, in the context of knowing that the Lord our God, the Creator of all things, can be known and calls us to love and know Him, that they will be best positioned to play and ultimately succeed at the game of life.
The staff and I feel blessed to be a part of the ministry of Horizon Church. Serving at Horizon Prep is an honor. Being a part of your children’s lives is a high calling. We are excited about the new school year and look forward to all we will do together.
To God be the Glory,
Dr. Bob Botsford
Founder & President of Horizon Prep
Lead Pastor of Horizon Church
THE MISSION of Horizon Prep is to educate the whole student within a Christian context of spiritual, social, mental, and physical development. As an extension of the ministry of the Church, we exist to help students cultivate a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, to discover and encourage their gifts, and to inspire each student to realize his or her full potential in serving God in spirit and in truth.
OUR VISION is to prepare a generation of spiritually mature, academically advanced, physically equipped, and socially developed individuals for a life of opportunity and service to the glory of God.
THE FRAMEWORK for our Mission is founded upon what is Biblically described as the Greatest Commandment: “To love God with our Heart (spiritually), our Soul (socially), our Mind (intellectually) and our Strength (physically)” according to Mark 12:30.
The Western Association of Schools and Colleges [WASC] is one of six regional accrediting associations in the United States. Accreditation through WASC ensures all post-secondary colleges and universities recognize Horizon Prep graduates.
The Association of Christian Schools International [ACSI], ensures the educational quality and integrity of the school, along with the spiritual aspects of the school, and confirms that the school demonstrates that it is true to its own statements of philosophy, mission, and goals.